Mit dem Video-Clip „FEMA , North American Union & Death Camps“ (siehe oben: Sonntags-Betrug ohne Ende) können wir nur zu gut die nachstehende Aussage verstehen, die A.T.Jones auf der Generalkonferenz 1901 während eines Vortrags von sich gab, als er um Mitarbeiter für die Auslandsmission warb:
„The day is coming when every Seventh-day Adventist in the United States would give everything he has, and his own life almost, if he could be outside the United States. Let me say that again. I am speaking something now that interests every Seventh-day Adventist. The day is coming and is not far off, when every Seventh-day Adventist will wish to the depths of his soul that he were out of the United States: and multitudes will condemn themselves, and will fret themselves under the condemnation, that they did not go out of the United States when they had the chance. You know that this sign is given us.
‚When our country shall repudiate every principal of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time for the marvelous working of Satan is at hand.'“
Was wir wissen ist, dass die übrigen Nationen dem Beispiel Amerikas folgen werden.